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Read Kermit’s newest book…
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In The Gospel Corrupted: When Jesus was Made God, Zarley tells the story of how he came to question the doctrine of the Trinity and begin a 28-year study of the Bible that resulted in him affirming all that the church has proclaimed about Jesus except that he is God. Kermit shows that the New Testament gospel, which must be believed to receive salvation, only requires a belief that Jesus Christ is Lord, he died for our sins, and God raised him from the dead.

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Pro Golfer Turned Christologist Tells All

Kermit Zarley did a recent interview with Sean Finnegan on his podcast Restitutio. Watch the video now to learn why Kermit believes the Bible does not teach that Jesus is God!

AND print a free tract from Kermit called “The Real Jesus” which lays out biblical evidence against the theology of the Trinity. 



Kermit was a tournament-winning professional golfer full-time for 18 years on the regular PGA Tour and 10 years on its Champions (Senior) Tour. After four official wins, one unofficial wins, and seventeen second place finishes or tie for seconds on those two PGA Tours, he officially retired from playing professional golf in 2005.

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Kermit is a Christian author with nine published theological books. People often ask him, “How can you be a pro golfer and write books on theology?” Well, Kermit’s a busy guy with a lot of interests. Writing about Jesus, theology and world affairs has been his second career for many years.

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Kermit’s newest passion is inventing. His love of reading resulted in his most interesting invention, the patented Triangle Book®, which is a book format that stands on its own for hands-free reading. Better than a book stand, the Triangle Book® offers a new ergonomic way to read printed books.

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Kermit is a blogging machine! He posts on a myriad of subjects from golf to prophecy to current events. Take a look or subscribe to his feed using the buttons below. Always interesting and often hilarious…